Fluma & Kadas - Andi Andi now knows Twinsbar 😄 If YOU would like to be like Andi, simply order your 10 / 20 or 40 BOX with the discount code TB5EURO 📦 ✅🌍 ...
Fluma & Kadas - Energy und Power In order to be mentally and cognitively up to par, you need ENERGY with high-quality ingredients ✊🏻 THEY deliver the Twinsbar's for all YOUR mental and physical ACTIVITIES ✅😀 Fluma...
Fluma & Kadas - Brainfood If YOU are mentally challenged, BRAINFOOD is particularly important ✅ Get the Twinsbar's now for all YOUR mental and physical activities 🌍✊🏻🤟🏻
Fluma & Kadas - Gaming A lot can be achieved in life in a playful way with the right ENERGY 👊🏻💪🏻 Fluma and Kadas also like to play on the Playstation and maybe there will...
Fluma & Kadas - Skate In life it's important to always stay curious and try new things 👊🏻 Fluma and Kadas think SKATING is just great and look out for interesting ATHLETES in this area...
Fluma & Kadas - The place to be Fluma and Kadas are always available for a good PARTY (also currently in the online world 🌍) 👍🏻 You need GOOD ENERGY and SOUND for that 🤟🏻 Peggy Gou is...